Changeling: The Dreaming (20th Anniversary Edition) Chimera Stat Blocks

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Aggravated Damage — The chimera can inflict aggravated chimerical damage with its attacks. This Rede may also be used in tandem with the Wyrd Rede to inflict mundane aggravated damage.

Use Cost: None

Armor — The chimera has extra protection for its physical form. This protection can take many forms, including chitinous exoskeletons, tough skin, thick fur, dragon scales, and metal plating.

Use Cost: None

Befuddle — This Rede allows the chimera to confuse its target, clouding its mind and making it difficult to perform any action. The Storyteller rolls the chimera’s Glamour at a difficulty equal to its target’s Willpower. The target loses one die from all dice pools per success the chimera achieves. The effect lasts for one minute per success, or until the chimera leaves the vicinity of its victim.

Use Cost: 1

Dreamform — The chimera has no physical form; it is instead constructed of rarefied, pure Glamour. It is immune to normal attacks, but can still be damaged with Treasures or Arts. The chimera remains visible, however, unless it uses the Hide Rede. The chimera does not need to possess Physical Attributes, but it must still purchase health levels.

A Dreamform chimera that does not have a Stamina rating substitutes its Glamour rating instead, for the purposes of calculating health level restrictions.

Once purchased, this Rede is permanent, but the chimera is especially vulnerable to Banality. If exposed to a source of extreme Banality, such as an Autumn Person, the Storyteller immediately rolls the chimera’s Glamour (difficulty of the source’s Banality).

On a success, the chimera retains its Dreamform (and likely flees the source of Banality). On a fail, Banality forces the chimera to temporarily manifest into a more physical form for the duration of the scene, with a base of 2 in each of its Physical Attributes.

On a botch, the Banality permanently strips the chimera of its Dreamform. The chimera’s player receives 5 chimera points to distribute into Physical Attributes.

Use Cost: None

Enchantment — Enchantment allows the chimera to interact with and affect non-fae. If the chimera uses this Rede to attack a human, all damage is still chimerical and the human soon forgets the encounter (refer to the Mists chart, p. 269). In order to cause physical damage, the chimera must use the Wyrd Rede in tandem with Enchantment.
Use Cost: 1 Glamour per turn, or 1 per hour in a freehold or the Dreaming
Ensnare — The chimera has an ability to physically restrain its target. Spider chimera have webbing. Others may spit adhesive goo. Still others may manifest a rope or net. The chimera may even be powerful enough to cause the ground to liquefy and harden, trapping its target’s legs in rock or soil. The chimera must make an attack roll, or set the snare in advance. The snare itself has Strength 2 and an armor rating of 2 for every 3 dots of Glamour the chimera possesses. If the chimera possesses less than 3 dots of Glamour, their snare has a Strength and armor rating of 1.

Fear — The chimera can cause its target to flee screaming in terror, or freeze in paralytic horror. Bloodcurdling shrieks, mental domination, horrific physical appearance, and natural auras of terror are common methods of using this Rede. Fear lasts for a number of rounds equal to the chimera’s permanent Glamour. The victim may roll Willpower (difficulty 6) to reduce the duration by one turn per success.

Fester — Chimera with this Rede cause their victim to manifest symptoms of a particular disease (see Disease & Poison, p. 292). This disease progresses as fast or as slow as the Storyteller determines, but most progress far faster than their mundane counterparts. Players can counter the use of this Rede by rolling Stamina at difficulty 8, though their character must be aware of the chimera to resist Fester’s effects. This Rede may be purchased more than once. Each new purchase reflects an additional disease the chimera may inflict on their victims.

Use Cost: 1 (Toxin Rating 1–3), 2 (Toxin Rating 4–5), or
3 (Toxin Rating 6–7)

Flight — The chimera can fly at a rate of 25 feet per turn per point of Dexterity. Changelings seek out chimera with this Rede as mounts and for crafting components for brooms, magic carpets, zeppelins, and other forms of aerial transportation.

Use Cost: 1 per hour of flight
Use Cost: 2

Glamour Pact — This Rede allows a chimera to protect itself from being destroyed, reshaped, sacrificed, or trapped in a Treasure against its will. Any attempt to force an unwilling chimera with this Rede into a Treasure results in an additional +2 difficulty on the crafting roll for the artisan to do so. Chimera with Glamour Pact retain their Glamour, Willpower, and Mental Attribute ratings, though their new form dictates the remainder of their traits. Some changelings believe Treasures and other items created with Glamour
Pact to be cursed, as the item has a will of its own and may not behave as its owner desires.

Use Cost: 1 permanent Glamour

Gulp — The chimera can swallow its victims whole. With five successes on an attack roll, it unhinges its jaw or engulfs a victim with its body, and gulps them down. Damage occurs automatically, inflicting the chimera’s Stamina + 1 in bashing damage per turn. Some chimera only hold their victims long enough to feast from the terror and panic before regurgitating them; others are content to consume and digest their meals in peace. Victims may attempt to dislodge or cut themselves out of the chimera’s body (resolved with
resisted rolls. See Grappling, p. 277).

Healing — The chimera may heal its own wounds, or those of another. It may even heal non-chimerical injuries, if it also has the Wyrd Rede. 

Use Cost: 1 per Health Level healed

Hide — This Rede grants a chimera invisibility, allowing it to hide from any creature of the Dreaming or, if used in conjunction with the Wyrd Rede, mundane creatures. A player may roll Perception + Kenning (difficulty of the chimera’s Glamour rating) for their character to sense the location of hiding chimera. A single success grants the chimera’s general vicinity, and three successes are enough to pinpoint the exact location. The chimera remains invisible
to the changeling’s mundane senses.

Some chimera can also cloak items or other beings from sight. This enhanced version works exactly as above.

Use Cost: 1 per being or item affected

Possession — The chimera can possess another sentient creature of the Dreaming with this Rede. The chimera must touch the target. The Storyteller makes a Glamour roll (difficulty of the target’s Willpower), resisted by the victim’s player rolling Willpower (difficulty of the chimera’s Glamour).

Use Cost: None

Scuttle — Chimera with this Rede can move at lightning speeds. For every point of Glamour spent, the chimera gains an additional action for the turn. The amount of points spent cannot exceed the chimera’s Glamour rating.

Use Cost: 1 Glamour per extra action.

Sense Banality — The chimera can tell exactly how much Banality is in a person, place or thing. This is a prized ability for chimerical companions of urban changelings especially, who appreciate an early warning for approaching Autumn People and assessments of areas where they plan on using Arts or other faerie magic.

Use Cost: 1 Willpower per scene

Shapeshift — There are two versions of this Rede. The first allows chimera to alter their size, coloration, physical beauty or monstrousness, or placement of features (moving its eyes to the back of its head, for instance). This power is largely cosmetic, does not allow the chimera to change its fundamental shape, and grants only limited benefits from this Rede (such as increased Strength from a larger size, or complete 360-degree vision from rearranging their eyes).
The second version of Shapeshift grants a chimera a completely new form, changing its configuration entirely and redistributing its total chimera creation points (minus the cost of Shapeshift). Shapeshift is not an exclusionary Rede: Both versions may be learned by a chimera, though the second version must be purchased separately for each alternate form. Very few chimera have more than one alternate shape.
Use Cost: 1 per shape change

Steal Glamour — The chimera may directly steal Glamour from another creature of the Dreaming. The chimera’s player rolls Willpower with a difficulty equal to the target’s Glamour. The number of successes rolled determine how many points of temporary Glamour the chimera can steal.

Use Cost: 1 Willpower

Traverse Dreaming — The chimera can travel back and forth between the Dreaming and the Autumn world. Chimera may only travel along established trods and through raths, some of which may be known (or accessible) only by chimera.

Use Cost: 1

Venom — The chimera makes a physical attack that delivers a potent venom to its victim. Bites, claws, tail stingers, and spitting attacks are common for animalistic chimera, whereas a humanoid chimera may use envenomed arrows or darts. The victim suffers damage from the attack, and must make a successful Stamina roll (difficulty 8) or suffer debilitating effects. In the case of the hydra, pain (one minute of wound penalties a category higher than the victim’s current health track per point of Glamour invested) is its method of torment. In addition, the venom may add direct damage to the initial attack (1 health level per point of Glamour spent in addition to any spent for debilitating effects).

Use Cost: Variable

Weaponry — The chimera manifests a physical, melee, or ranged weapon from its body. Common examples are swords, claws, horns, and spears. The manifested weapon inflicts the chimera’s Strength + 1 in base damage, but may cause more if the chimera has a more powerful version of the Rede.

Use Cost: None

Wyrd — The chimera may choose to become a solid creature, able to affect and be affected by the Autumn world.

This is among the rarest of Redes, as chimera interacting too frequently with the mundane are corroded by its Banality.

Use Cost: 1 Willpower per scene

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