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  • Review: Geek and Sundry, “Sagas of Sundry: Dread”

    Review: Geek and Sundry, “Sagas of Sundry: Dread”

    “Dread” started out as a charity stream on International Tabletop Day in 2017 to support Extra Life, a charity organization related to Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. The players are huddled around a faux campfire and Jenga tower, dressed as their characters. The story takes place in the 1980s, with a group of friends that “outsiders… Read more

  • Review: Smosh Games: Board AF, “Outbreak: Undead”

    Review: Smosh Games: Board AF, “Outbreak: Undead”

    While Smosh Games’s other series like Game Bang, Grand Theft Smosh, and What’re Those!? were certainly ones I kept up with, my favorite has always been Board AF. My first introduction to YouTube’s gaming space was Wil Wheaton’s Tabletop, so it’s no surprise I enjoyed this series as well. That is where “Outbreak: Undead” comes… Read more

  • Review: The Apocalypse Players, “The Crack’d and Crook’d Manse”

    Review: The Apocalypse Players, “The Crack’d and Crook’d Manse”

    Dominic Allen is the Lore Keeper of this Call of Cthulhu actual play and his players are Joseph Chance as Rose, a sprightly Southern Belle with enough charm and grace to weasel a meal from a starving lion; Danann McAleer as Sebastian Palmer, a Catholic and union activist; and Dan Wheeler as Dr. Johannes Bergman, a… Read more

  • Review: The Film Reroll

    Review: The Film Reroll

    “We’re a podcast,” Paulo Quiros explains patiently over giggles from his players. “What if they didn’t know until you said that?” Kara Strait asks. “‘Ah, shit! I thought this was a tandem bike! Goddammit!’” This is how the podcast The Film Reroll’s twentieth episode, “Jumanji,” begins. The conceit of the show is rather simple: “play[ing]… Read more

  • Review: Critical Role, “Candela Obscura: The Circle of Tide and Bone”

    Review: Critical Role, “Candela Obscura: The Circle of Tide and Bone”

    Candela Obscura, a concept developed by Chris Lockey and Critical Role cast member Taliesin Jaffe, is ostensibly about a group of occult investigators in a secret organization that works to protect the innocents of the city of Newfaire from the horrors of the world beyond. In practice, the groups of investigators, known as Circles, are… Read more

  • My Wife is Going to Kill Me (or, mundane themes in Scion)

    My Wife is Going to Kill Me (or, mundane themes in Scion)

    Running a story in the world of Scion is normally thought of to be one where you enter the underworld looking for a lost artifact – or battle an Ōmagatoki at twilight to stop it from releasing thousands of evil spirits onto San Francisco. But this is not where the story of a Scion starts.… Read more